These are all completely true and completely weird.

  • Photo by Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images
    Photo by Rene Johnston/Toronto Star via Getty Images

    Just Pay For Crawfish

    Crawfish isn't cheap, but it's a lot cheaper to just pay for it instead of stealing it. This is what stealing crawfish might cost you

    B.(1) Whoever commits the crime of theft of crawfish when the misappropriation or taking amounts to a value of five hundred dollars or more shall be imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than ten years, or may be fined not more than three thousand dollars, or both.

  • Hindustan Times via Getty Images
    Hindustan Times via Getty Images

    Mind Your Pee's And Qs

    When you have to go, you have to go. Just make sure you don't go in a city's water supply. Or put anything else in it, either.

    Whoever commits the crime of contaminating water supplies, when the act foreseeably endangers the life or health of human beings, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than twenty years, or both.

  • Getty Images
    Getty Images

    Funnier Without The Fine

    It's always funny when someone sends a pizza to someone who didn't order it in a movie or TV show. In real life, it'll set you back about 50 pizzas, and that's only if you use coupons.

    A. It is unlawful for any person to intentionally place an order for any goods or services to be supplied or delivered to another person when all of the following circumstances apply:

    D. Whoever violates Subsection A shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both.

  • 4

    Don't Say It If You Don't Mean It

    You'd better be sure you don't make any promises out loud or in writing when it comes to testifying in the state of Louisiana. Perjury comes with a heavy fine and possible jail time

    False swearing is the intentional making of a written or oral statement, known to be false, under sanction of an oath or an equivalent affirmation, where such oath or affirmation is required by law; provided that this article shall not apply where such false statement is made in, or for use in, a judicial proceeding or any proceeding before board or official, wherein such board or official is authorized to take testimony.

    Whoever commits the crime of false swearing shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.


  • Tom Stoddart/Getty Images
    Tom Stoddart/Getty Images

    This Had To Be A Law? [NSFW]

    This last one is It's illegal in Sulphur to have sex with a cow or any other animal. Click here to read the full law.

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