CJ’s Wallet Visits The Livestock Show
As I exited the car when I arrived at the Lafayette Parish 4-H/FFA Livestock Show today, I noticed that CJ had left his wallet on the floorboard. I decided to bring it on an adventure!
The first stop was the pigpen. (CJ is such a clean person - he hates clutter and filth, so I am sure that this first picture has his skin crawling!!)
Next up: the cattle pens! This Brahma was slightly bothered by the wallet, as it started out on the middle of the cow. She started to 'shake' her muscles (similar to when they are trying to shoo flies), and the wallet traveled down her side, eventually falling into the bedding. (I snapped this picture just before it fell, right next to a pile of.... you know, that stuff that cows leave behind!)
What is an adventure without beauty? This beautiful Nigerian Dairy Goat was glad to keep a watchful eye on CJ's most important documents!
And last, but not least: CJ's favorite! If you've listened to his show for any length of time, you'll remember him speaking of a pet chicken he had when he was growing up. This rooster was quite interested in the wallet!
So interested, he was trying to borrow CJ's Stine card to buy materials to build a new chicken coop!
As you would imagine, CJ wasn't too happy to see the pics of his wallet wallowing in all of the livestock "stuff"!!
In all seriousness, the Annual Lafayette Parish Livestock Show and Sale is a great thing for our community. The FFA and 4-H programs teach our kids valuable life lessons, and help prepare them to become effective adults.
Kudos to Slemco for supporting the programs, and kudos to the moms and dads who are active in their children's lives!
(Youtube/99.9 KTDY)
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