CDC Investigating Respiratory Disease, Death Involving Vaping
The Center for Disease Control is investigating over 190 cases of vaping-related lung illness and 1 death possibly associated with vaping, according to a press release.
The study, entitled "CDC, FDA, States Continue to Investigate Severe Pulmonary Disease Among People Who Use E-cigarettes", says that verified cases have been identified in 22 states, with more reports yet to be verified. The majority of cases involve adolescents and young adults.
The Food and Drug Administration is working with the CDC and state-level agencies to gather information on faulty tobacco or vaping (E-cig) products and health issues associated with those products.
The first death believed to be associated with vaping is under investigation in Illinois.
Officials are still working to identify what is causing the illnesses and death associated with vaping.
A study, performed at the University of Pennsylvania on 31 healthy volunteers, concluded that E-cigarettes can damage blood vessels AFTER JUST ONE USE.
The study states that researchers found, after just 16 3-second puffs on an E-cigarette,
a “34 percent reduction in the femoral artery’s dilation,” as well as “17.5 percent reduction in peak blood flow, a 20 percent reduction in venous oxygen, and 25.8 percent reduction in blood acceleration - University of Pennsylvania study via Fox News
On a personal note: a close family member recently went to the doctor with bronchitis-like symptoms. They gave him a shot, prescribed meds, and sent him home. The very next day, his symptoms worsened and he was admitted to the hospital. They tested him and began to treat for double pneumonia, sepsis, and Mersa.
Within a few hours, his oxygen levels dropped so severely that they had to intubate him at 100% (forgive my lack of medical terminology, but it was explained to me that the machine was doing ALL of the work of his lungs). When they scoped his lungs, doctors found that the lungs were covered with a white, paste-like substance.
Doctors began to flush out his lungs to remove the paste-like substance, which increased his oxygen saturation, lowering his dependence on the breathing machine to keep him alive.
After days of being treated in ICU, he was finally breathing well enough on his own to remove the tube. His condition improved and he was released from the hospital after week's stay.
Doctors at this hospital were left scratching their heads, as they had never treated someone with these exact symptoms: they had never before witnessed the "paste-like substance" they removed from his lungs.
Now, to tie this all together: this family member uses E-cigarettes. Were they the cause of his illness? That question is yet to be answered.
1930s: A patent for the idea of a cigarette alternative is issued.
1960s: The first device most closely resembled today's E-cigarette is developed
1979 - 1980: The first commercialized version of the E-cigarette reaches retailers, but isn't successful.
2003: The first commercially-successful E-cigarette was introduced by a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik. A heavy smoker, Lik developed the cigarette alternative after his father, also a heavy smoker, died of lung disease.
2008: Turkey suspends the sale of E-cigarettes
2008: In a study funded by E-cigarette makers, a New Zealand organization found that levels of carcinogens in E-cigarettes offered a "safe alternative to smoking".
2009: Australia, US, Jordon, Canada, and Hong Kong all impose varying levels of bans on E-cigarettes and some related products.