Easter time is usually when most pet rabbits are purchased. It looks like the perfect Easter gift for your child, but is it really? Many people don’t do proper research before buying the cute bunny and then end up having major regrets when they realize just how much work being a rabbit owner entails. With regrets, usually means that the rabbit ends up at abandoned or left at a shelter. Yes, it’s very exciting to give the kiddos a beautiful ‘real life’ bunny at Easter. Just make sure you’ve thought about the long-term care of the pet before you make your decision. Rabbits are very unique. While they are a good fit for some, they are not for others.

Lafayette Veterinary Care Center's website says this is what you need to know:

• Domestic rabbits tend to live between 8 – 12 years
• Baby rabbits are called kits (short for kittens), not bunnies!
• They require a very specific diet (pellets, hay, fresh vegetables, and water)
• They don’t need vaccinations like other domestic pets but do still need yearly veterinarian check-ups
• Rabbits require just as much space as a dog or cat, even as much as free range of your home. Their home base or sleeping area should also be at least 4 – 6 times the size of your rabbit
• They are social animals and require human and other rabbit companionship
• Rabbits are chewers!

First thing to think about is the cost. It might seem like they are a low-cost pet, but they can actually end up costing more than cats or small dogs. Ongoing costs, not counting vet bills, can add up to over $800 a year, according to myhouserabbit.com. You can learn more about the cost here.

Rabbits are going to require a lot of attention. They are intelligent and energetic so they will need a lot of social interaction and a good amount of exercise. You’re going to need to ‘bunny proof’ your home and make sure things like wires and important papers are tucked away because they love to chew. So, they’re definitely high maintenance.

Rabbit , 4 months old, sitting against white background

It’s also good to know that if you’re allergic to grass, it may be a problem since rabbits need to have hay. A lot of people assume that all that’s needed in a rabbit’s diet are pellets and carrots. But, hay is a main source of sustenance for rabbits and it’s vital to their dental and digestive health. Rabbits need to have fresh vegetables daily, which means you’ll have to purchase produce regularly.

Although rabbits are super adorable and soft, they’re usually not a pet that likes to cuddle. Yes, they can be affectionate, but cuddling is not how they like to show it. They don’t always like to be held. Rabbits are prey animals and prefer staying on the ground, so if you try to hold them they may jump out of a person’s arms, often scratching the person when they do.

I found this information on myhouserabbit.com. Explore this website if you are seriously considering a real-life Easter bunny as a pet. If you do decide to get one, check the shelters because they usually have a lot of homeless bunnies. You can check out Benefits of Adopting a Rabbit for more information.

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