Beware These Holiday Scams!
'Tis the season to be jolly...and wary!! It's unfortunate that unscrupulous people prey on the generosity of others. Scammers ramp up their activity this time of year. The Better Business Bureau warns about several holiday scams.
Look alike websites: Scammers create bogus websites that closely resemble familiar ones. Look for misspellings, hover over links, without clicking, to see where the route to. Don't enter sensitive information on a website that doesn't begin with "https." The "S" indicates a secure website.
Avoid social media gift exchanges...period.
Emails offering "Free" gift cards: Nothing's free. These are phishing emails.
Fake charities: You can verify at
Temporary holiday jobs: If the link doesn't take you directly to the potential employer's website, don't enter personal information. Click here for more tips from the Better Business bureau.