Louisiana Metalsmiths Association is sponsoring "Artmania", an art show/fundraiser, to be held April 12 and 13 at Lafayette's Horse Farm.

Artmania brings together artists to strengthen the artist community and to showcase talents in Acadiana.  All products are one-of-a-kind; designed, built and offered for sale to those that appreciate the passion that goes into creating such unique items.

Artist Sid Gale with his art (artmania-lama.com/)
Artist Sid Gale with his art (artmania-lama.com/)

Part of the event is a raffle that will benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Water Fountain created by Buddy Holmes at the 2013 Artmania (artmania-lama.com)
Water Fountain created by Buddy Holmes at the 2013 Artmania (artmania-lama.com)

For more information, visit the Artmania website.

(Via Artmania)

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