Air-Fryer Hack for Hard Boiled Eggs Has Internet at Odds
In my existence on the planet, I have found that it is true there are many ways to skin a cat. No, I don't think that saying came from a race of people who spent their days taking the fur off of felines but I do think there is merit to the concept. Sometimes it takes a different set of eyes on a problem to come up with a better solution.
One of our bigger issues in the food world is apparently the best and proper way to make hard-boiled eggs. One would assume from the name, hard-boiled eggs, that the eggs would need to be boiled in water or some other liquid until their insides are fully cooked and firm.
But this is the year 2022 where inventions and innovations are overflowing in our kitchen. One of the more popular innovations in recent years has been the addition of the air fryer to our cluttered countertops. Air fryers work by cooking with food with superheated air circulated around the food. This way you don't need to use extra oil or fat to cook the food and you still get the satisfying crunch of frying.
As you might imagine the air fryer has not been the dominant appliance when it comes to preparing hard-boiled eggs. But that hasn't stopped one Mom from posting a "hack" that she has come up with for "perfect hard-boiled eggs every time".
Okay, according to the hack you are supposed to air fry the eggs for fifteen minutes at 275 degrees. Then you place the eggs in an ice-water bath. After they have chilled for a few minutes you simply peel with a spoon and enjoy.
As you might imagine the Internet is having a field day with this hack on several levels. One, the eggs aren't actually boiled. So they technically aren't hard-boiled eggs. One commenter even went as far as to suggest that we start calling them "hard-air" eggs. No, that's not something I am willing to do.
The other aspect of this hack that has the Internet with a giant knot in its knickers is the time involved. The hack says 15 minutes at 275. According to traditional egg boiling methods, the process of using hot water only takes 12 minutes in total. I am guessing that doesn't take into account the amount of time it takes water to come to a boil.
But even if it does, are you really saving that much time and energy? I don't think so. I do like the "dunk the eggs in an ice bath for easy peeling" suggestions. But you should do that regardless of what method you choose to cook your pre-chicken nuggets.
So is this a hack or should we get that guy from Tik Tok to offer a pained expression and just shake his head? He is so funny.
Regardless, I am sticking with my hot water. I stay in it at work, I stay in it at home, why shouldn't my eggs be put in it as well? Speaking of cooking. We use black iron a lot down here. It's the air fryer that you can knock someone unconscious with, but that's a different use than these suggestions.
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