
Tiger Will Remain
Tiger Will Remain
Tiger Will Remain
A seven year legal battle over the fate of Tony the Tiger is apparently at an end. The 14 year old Bengal Tiger has lived at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete since he was 6 months old. Animal rights groups have tried repeatedly to have have him removed, and placed in a zoo.
RIP Sweet Lizzie
RIP Sweet Lizzie
RIP Sweet Lizzie
My sweet little Lizzie died today. We had the pleasure of caring for her for fifteen years and she was a really special little dog.
Amazing Candy Animals
Amazing Candy Animals
Amazing Candy Animals
This guy has got some seriously sweet skills. This Chinese street performer is making animals out candy. He takes caramel and shapes them into all sorts of creatures.
Hamster Loves Pizza
Hamster Loves Pizza
Hamster Loves Pizza
At least we know these little critters are eating well. On the heels of the wildly popular 'Tiny Hamster Eating Tiny Burritos' video comes this clip of a tiny hamster eating a tiny pizza.
Cutie loves Carrots
Cutie loves Carrots
Cutie loves Carrots
This video of a hamster stuffing his cheeks with carrot sticks immediately made me think of CJ trying to hurry and eat a link of boudin before the song ends!
Hilarious Talking Squirrel
Hilarious Talking Squirrel
Hilarious Talking Squirrel
This little guy really loved his walnut! In this video, squirrel language is translated into some hilarious fast-talking English and tells a man he's his favorite person in the neighborhood!
Animals Spending Quality Time With Some Babies
Animals Spending Quality Time With Some Babies
Animals Spending Quality Time With Some Babies
Animals and Babies 2013 This video of animals hanging out with some babies will put a smile on your face. I found this video on YouTube and it made my day a little bit brighter, so I decided to share it with you all. I hope that it takes your mind off of the "holiday troubles" and lightens your mood...

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