The study is out and if your child is doing more than one hour of homework per night, you might want to have a talk with his/her teacher.  The days of book sacks that weight more than your child should be a thing of the past.

According to the University of Oviedo in Spain (where their intelligence is respected around the globe), the optimal amount of homework per night is one hour.  After that, they can't focus, won't retain what they studied and will do worse on tests.

Researcher found that school aged children get the most out of homework when they work about 60 minutes.  The max, according to the study, should be 70 minutes.  At 90 to 100 minutes, everything fell apart.  They could no longer focus or retain.

It's time that parents speak up.  It's time that educators adapt to the research.  It's time to make America great again...and that starts with the education of our children.

[Via:  Science Daily]

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