You Can Be In the Next Elvis Mosaic with CJ and Debbie Ray – for Free!
The official Elvis '68 Comeback Fan Mosaic, commemorating the 45th Anniversary of Elvis Presley's momentous show. CJ and I will both be in it and you can be, too!
UPLOAD YOUR PHOTO TODAY (6/27 and 6/28/13) FOR FREE using any computer or mobile device by visiting:
From a distance, this will appear as a black and white image. But up close, you will notice that all smaller photos submitted by regular people will be in color!
The border of the commemorative print will have a special "leather-like" look to it and will feature the Elvis "Red Light Logo."
A 12 foot mural of this Fan Mosaic will also hang in Graceland for Elvis week in August, so don't miss out on this amazing chance to be part of Elvis history!