Win The KTDY Office Dinner Party!
The holidays can bring a lot of stress. We at 99.9 KTDY want to make your life a little easier & give you a break. That's why we play your favorite music, and try to give you a smile or two throughout the day. Who doesn't love a great dinner, and a little "pampering"? We have a treat for you! It's the 99.9 KTDY Office Dinner Party. You & 3 friends will enjoy dinner at the Spotted Horse Tavern and Dining Parlor at Evangeline Downs Racetrack and Casino. It's a $200.00 value! How do you win?? Email me, steve@999ktdy.com. Include your name & place of employment. Every Thursday, I'll call a name during the All Request Lunch between noon & 1. If it's you, call me at 237-KTDY (5839) within 9 minutes, 99 seconds, and you win!
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