Why Did Governor Edwin Edwards Wife Have His Body Exhumed?
The life and times of the late Edwin Edwards have read like a novel for those of us who have followed the Cajun Prince through his time as governor, his time in prison, and his time as a reality TV star but even the most creative of us could not have fathomed one of the more recent twists in the story that is Edwin Edwards.
As you might recall the former Governor passed away in July of this year. Arrangements were made and Governor Edwards was buried two days later. For most of us, that would be where their story ends. But Edwin Edwards is not or was not "most of us". You just knew his story had to have a few more twists and turns.
Trina Edwards was a guest on Jim Engster's radio show, Talk Louisiana, on Monday. During that conversation, the former Governor's widow shed some light on exactly where his remains are located right now.
Apparently, Mrs. Edwards did not like the place her late husband's remains were buried. She told Engster that she was not allowed to bury him at the original plot he had purchased. This resulted in her having to make a quick decision and a decision she soon regretted.
Since Mrs. Edwards found her husband's gravesite to be unsatisfactory she made the decision to have his body exhumed and his remains cremated. Some questioned that act and even suggested that Mrs Edwards had the former Governor's body cremated to "destroy evidence".
Mrs. Edwards told Engster that she has taken the criticism in stride. After all, being associated with a man like Edwards who was constantly in the public spotlight Mrs. Edwards is no stranger to "the court of public opinion". Edwards told Engster she felt she would have been criticized no matter what move she made.
As for now, Governor Edwards remains are being housed at the home he and Trina shared in Gonzales. Mrs. Edwards hopes someday for Edwin's ashes to be placed in a more prominent viewing area. She suggested to Engster that she might like to see his remains placed next to the remains of Former Governor Huey P Long at the State Capitol.
I can't say that's a bad idea. Two of Louisiana's most legendary political figures side by side in the State Capitol would certainly give the tour guides and the school kids something to discuss or at least swap a few stories of what politics was like "back in the day".
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