'Crematorium' and 'McCrispy' Signs Go Viral'Crematorium' and 'McCrispy' Signs Go ViralTwo signs side by side, one says, "Crematorium" and the other is an advertisement for McDonald's that reads, "McCrispy".CJCJ
Youngsville Family Pleads for Return of Father's AshesYoungsville Family Pleads for Return of Father's AshesThe box that contained the remains is described as a "small brown wood box that you can hold in one hand and is sealed". JayCeeJayCee
To The Moon! - Company Will Send Your Pet Into SpaceTo The Moon! - Company Will Send Your Pet Into SpaceOf course, these options only carry a tiny portion of your pet's remains into space, but it would make for a great story! JayCeeJayCee
I Had My Pet Cremated: What Should I Do With Its Ashes?I Had My Pet Cremated: What Should I Do With Its Ashes?I recently had my dog euthanized and her body cremated. Now that the ashes have been returned to me, what should I do with them? I have some ideas.JayCeeJayCee
Why Did Governor Edwin Edwards Wife Have His Body Exhumed?Why Did Governor Edwin Edwards Wife Have His Body Exhumed?Even in death, the story of former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards continues to raise questions among some. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells