United Airlines Employee Pushes 71-Year-Old-Man Down In Houston Airport [VIDEO]
Call me crazy, but United Airlines has a big public relations problem. We've seen children on United Airlines flights being made to cry, passengers being asked to give up their seats and leave the plane for no reason and one man drug off by security. In a new, old video, I think we can all agree that this is not a new problem.
This video is from 2015 and it has now gone viral. In this one, you can clearly see a United Airlines employee push an elderly gentleman to the ground. He falls backward, flat on his back. The crazy thing is, he stays down for quite some time with people having to almost step over him and yet no one helps him up.
The incident happened at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. The man was 71 at the time. The United Airlines employee was charged with a felony. The elderly man is currently suing for $1 million.
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