See The Famous Waterfall in Acadiana Mall Commercial From 1984
We all love looking back on things in Lafayette, Louisiana and that is exactly what the video below allows us to do.
When anyone brings up Lafayette nostalgia, the Acadiana Mall is often the first thing brought up in conversations. If you grew up in Acadiana chances are you experienced the waterfall and puppet shows in the mall.
As a kid who frequented the Acadiana Mall in the late 80s and early 90s, I can recall seeing both and both attractions are now things of the past.
Well, one video I came across on YouTube shows exactly what was once inside the mall in Lafayette and this television commercial will take you down "Memory Lane."
While watching it, I could hear the water splashing from my childhood years, and also recall my sisters and I asking for loose change to toss into the fountain. That was such a huge thing for kids who walked past this fountain in Lafayette.
In addition to the Acadiana Mall commercial, which you can see below, there are a few other commercials worth noting. Be sure to check out the emergency vehicles first responders had to use in Lafayette and take a look inside the Blackham Coliseum as they promote an upcoming event.
Immediately when I saw the two mentioned above, I thought about how slow and simple life was. Maybe it's because it was my childhood years, but life seemed to move much slower than it does now in 2024.
Sure, Lafayette has come a long way since the 1980s, but isn't there something we all still miss from "Old Lafayette"?
You'll enjoy these local television commercials from the 80s, now if we can only get the waterfall back in the Center Court of the Acadiana Mall.
MORE: See 30 toys that every '90s kid wanted
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