This Adorable Dog Dances Better Than Most People Do
Marky Mark, meet Barky Bark.
Okay, we don't know if that is the name of the dog in this video, but we do know that he is getting down to the classic early '90s hit "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.
This dog is awesome. How awesome? As awesome as these lame thoughts we had while watching him:
- He doesn't have two left paws (oh, wait, yes he does).
- He kept going strong all the way until the tail end of the song.
- He's having poodles of fun.
- We wonder if he can do the whippet/Nae Nae.
- He likes music that is pup-beat.
- He likes Marky Mark, but his favorite act is Snoop Dogg.
- This pooch could have a career as a bark-up dancer.
- His favorite type of music must be Scooby-Doo wop.
- Come on, let's give him a round of a-paws.
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