‘The Voice’ Recap: Finalists Are Announced, We Say Goodbye to Cole Vosbury and James Wolpert
Tonight on ‘The Voice,' the Top 5 became the Final 3 on their race towards next week’s finish line.
This episode was all about featuring former ‘Voice’ contestants, starting with last year’s finalists the Swon Brothers, who played a new tune off their upcoming album. The Swon Bros. are super lovable, and we’re happy to see them doing so well and having success with their music career. If nothing else, they are a reminder that you don’t necessarily need to win ‘The Voice’ to score a major record deal.
Carson spoke to the coaches about their feelings surrounding the end of the competition. Full of his typical poetic wisdom, Cee Lo Green remarked, “Someone should lose gracefully and someone should win graciously.” Well said, Cee Lo. Then Christina went on (and on) about her last remaining contestant, Jacquie Lee, and we quickly lost interest, due to Xtina’s tendency to embellish and ramble endlessly.
The first artist eliminated was James Wolpert from Team Adam. James had a great run and made a valiant effort, but it felt clear over the past few weeks that his chances of winning were slim to none.
The next ‘Voice’ alum to perform was Michelle Chamuel, singing her new single ‘Go Down Singing.’ Michelle was just as fabulous as we remembered her to be from last season, and still awesomely weird and superbly talented. We’re sure her coach, Usher, is proud of his little starlet.
Back to the eliminations, Carson then announced the first finalist of the competition, Tessanne Chin, who will be moving on to next week’s finale. And of course, this surprised… absolutely no one. Tessanne has been in it to win it from day one and has easily become the one to beat.
Then it was time for a performance from former ‘Voice’ champ Cassadee Pope. Did anyone else notice that Christina Aguilera looked totally bored during Cassadee’s song? Yeesh. We know Christina can sing, and most definitely talk… but it looks like she has yet to master her acting skills. Cassadee was then presented with a plaque from Blake Shelton, certifying that her single ‘Wasting All These Tears’ had gone gold.
Following Ms. Pope was last year’s winner, country girl Danielle Bradbery, who just released her first album. Her performance was fine, but we’re not here to take a trip down memory lane, so let’s get on to those results...
Carson announced the second finalist moving on, Jacquie Lee. Not our top choice, but she did do a wonderful job with her song last night, and it’s clear that she has had many fans from the get go. Her unflinching support from Christina Aguilera certainly has not hurt her odds in this competition.
It was down to Cole and Will, without any last minute Twitter vote in play to help them out. Carson announced the name of the last contestant moving on to the finals: Will Champlin. And with that, Cole Vosbury was sent home, leaving his many fans to mourn the loss of his soulful voice and his bushy beard.
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