
There's a school of thought that TV is ruining sports. Those folks have a point. NFL Thursday Night Football is a glaring example. Playing a nationally televised game between teams that just played on Sunday isn't good football, and it's hazardous to the players. The teams haven't adequately prepared. Play is often sloppy, and out of sync. The recent game between the Saints & Falcons is a prime example. Before you roll your eyes & dismiss me as a sore loser, look at how many players left that game with significant injuries. That's a bad situation for ANY team in a tight, late season division race. Any team at all, for that matter. Commissioner Roger Goodell spews a lot of empty rhetoric about player safety. He's a lying hypocrite. His glaring inconsistencies in rule enforcement & player discipline make that clear. The Ray Rice situation is a prime example of his disregard for ANYONE'S safety. The league has just given him a 5 year contract extension. I think Goodell, and Thursday Night Football should both go away. That clearly won't happen in the near future. If nothing else, Thursday games should at least be played by games coming off a 'bye week.

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