Starting tomorrow, Saturday, April 23, 2022, Louisiana Law Enforcement will be looking out for people not wearing a seat belt while riding in pickup trucks. This is all part of a week-long initiative to crack down on seat belt violations.
One person had to be rescued by New Orleans firefighters when the truck they were driving crashed from an upper-level French Quarter parking garage and got stuck in between levels.
Ford Motor Company has issued a recall for one of its newest models. This isn't the first time issues of this nature have surfaced with Ford vehicles...
A friend of ours submitted this video of him running into the mirror of his truck and it should be a good reminder to all of us---always watch where you're going.
Bird droppings messed up your car's paint job, there are steps you can take yourself instead of spending a fortune to repaint your car or have a professional buff out the damage.
"Truckers For The Constitution" is a group of truckers who are planning on congesting The Beltway around Washington DC on Friday, to show their disapproval of our government's actions...