Rob Perillo

Rob’s Take on the Radiation Threat in Japan
Rob’s Take on the Radiation Threat in Japan
Rob’s Take on the Radiation Threat in Japan
This was taken, with permission, from Rob Perillo's post today on Facebook.  Rob is the Chief Meteorologist for KATC TV3, and he was once employed at a (you guessed it!!) nuclear plant.  Here is his view on the situation in Japan... I have received a number of phone calls, emails, tweets and Facebook messages this week from concerned viewers about the potential radiation leaks from the earthquake/
It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, Its…  A Meteor!
It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, Its… A Meteor!
It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, Its… A Meteor!
A meteor came crashing into the earth's atmosphere, visible in many Southern U.S. states Tuesday Night at approximately 8:50pm (CST)  Witnesses described the color as greenish-blue and like lightning.   The meteor was seen from Florida through to Oklahoma as it zipped across the sky from southeast to northwest.