The United States of America is a vast & diverse nation. A Reddit post asked users to describe the 50 individual states as patrons in a bar. The responses were amusing, to say the least. They were also quite accurate...or stereotyped...
A mother in Portland, Oregon gave her kids an old Sony Walkman and had them play around with it. Kids today may be more computer savvy than their parents, but give 'um a Walkman and they are just flat clueless.
Here we go again! Another TV star who thinks he can make it in the music business. When will they learn? Spongebob has reportedly thrown his hat into the ring. I don't know, but it looks to me like he's lip syncing...
There's an old saying, "The show must go on!" When Jimmy Fallon was recently unable to continue a monologue due to a hamstring injury, he had to call for backup.
Bernadette Lee who keeps everyone informed about traffic concerns every weekday morning of the KTDY morning show, walked into the KTDY control room a few days ago and violated some new equipment.
This is one angry customer after restaurant employees get her order wrong, and starts speaking in another language. Apparently she asked for red peppers and they used green peppers. She said to the ladies behind the counter, "The customer is always right".