The Topical Halloween Costumes of 2015: A Roundup
October 31st is nearly upon us! That means you need costume ideas ASAP, lest you be forced to cobble something together from the loose boa feathers, rubber animal noses and too-tight kids' costumes littering the picked-over Halloween aisle like so many tumbleweeds.
So what'll it be this year? You can go scary, classic (or "generic," depending on your feelings about "Sexy Cat"), punny with a visual joke (risking some awkward over-explanation at the refreshment table), or just plain weird. And then, of course, there's the ever-popular "topical" costume.
Hey, we get it — it’s fun to be part of a shared experience, and bathe in all the nods of approval and recognition as you make your way past the couple that wore the same "ketchup and mustard" costumes they did at last year's party. If you choose to keep things pop-culturally current, you should definitely consider going as Demi Lovato saying her favorite dish is "mugs," or Lana Del Rey in the "Music to Watch Boys To" video. But if you're looking to go the readymade route, online costume vendors are ready to outfit you with a topical polyester ensemble if you're willing to shell out the cash...and the options range from clever to just plain cringeworthy.
Click the gallery above to see them all, from (SEXY!) Pizza Rat to The Dress. (Yes, the dress.)
Celebrity Halloween Costumes
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