
Celebrities You Never Knew Were Adopted
Celebrities You Never Knew Were Adopted
Celebrities You Never Knew Were Adopted
Popsugar.com has created a list of celebrities you probably didn't know were adopted. The list includes 20 stars who were adopted or raised by by family members other than parents.
 'Tasteless' Story?
'Tasteless' Story?
'Tasteless' Story?
I was scrolling through Facebook while having my Saturday morning coffee when I spotted a link to a story from the celebrity gossip site, TMZ. The headline read, "Casey Kasem Rotting In Norway." The story reported the body of the radio legend is decomposing in a Norwegian mortuary while his children wage a legal battle to have his remains returned to the US.
Raven-Symone' Not To Be Labeled
Raven-Symone' Not To Be Labeled
Raven-Symone' Not To Be Labeled
How badly does she dislike labels? She said that she is not an African-American. Not African-American, not gay, just a human who loves humans

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