Can You Recover Medical Bills if Pet is Injured in Louisiana Crash?
Many in Louisiana love to travel with their dogs, but what happens if a pet is injured in a crash? Can pet owners legally recover medical expenses after being in a crash?
Like you, I see so many people with their dogs these days, as more and more public places allow dogs in their venues. With that said, that means more pet owners are traveling with their dogs.
But what happens when a pet is injured in a crash? And yes, like humans, pets can be seriously injured if they're in a vehicle that is involved in a crash.
One local attorney was asked that question and he says that pet owners can indeed recover medical bills they incur if their pet was injured in an automobile accident. Like medical care for humans, it can be very expensive if a pet is seriously injured in a crash.
Something you should remember is if you're in a crash and your pet is with you, it is a good idea to have your pet examined by a Veterinarian soon after the crash. Pets can endure pain and may not show signs of pain for days later.
Attorney Richard Kennedy III tells me that the medical bills one may hope to recover must be reasonable and if the pet dies in the crash, its owner can be awarded its value.
Look, no one wants anyone or anything to get injured in a crash, but if you are not at fault in a crash, you should never have to incur medical bills, even if it is for your pet.
Now, before we wrap up this blog, let me remind you that like kids, your pets should probably be restrained too if you are transporting them in your vehicle. If you do seek legal compensation for the injuries your pet suffers from in a crash, restraints may be brought up when it comes time to discuss potential compensation.
Lastly, if you or your pet is injured in a crash, seek legal counsel and have them explain your options, there could be many in your favor.
WOOF: These are the most popular dog breeds in America
Gallery Credit: Sabienna Bowman