An Army lieutenant with ties to Lafayette has a special request.

Joe Hendrickson Hargrave is a 1st lieutenant serving as a nurse in the U.S. Army and is currently stationed overseas in Buehring, Kuwait. Joe is originally from Utah, but when he's not deployed he lives in San Antonio with his husband, Josh, who is from the Acadiana area.

This is the second deployment of Joe's 12-year career with the Army and he plans to stay in until retirement.

According to people who know Joe, he's the type of guy who likes to lift up everyone around him and people admire him for both his character and accountability. When people ask, "Joe, what do you need?" or "Joe, what can we send you?" his reply is usually, "Nothing."

But recently, Joe decided that he does have a request and you can actually help him out and show our soldiers how much they ROCK—literally.

I think this is an amazing idea.

Can you imagine the colors that will light up the room when these soldiers open up the packages and add these rocks to their garden? Sometimes the smallest gestures have the greatest impact, and this is something we should all share so that we can brighten up the lives of our soldiers while they're overseas.

You can paint your rocks, write on your rocks, or do nothing at all.

Share this post and lets let these soldiers know that we think they ROCK!


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