There is a fake news story making its rounds on social media claiming that game wardens will fine anyone caught fishing during "the quarantine". This just isn't true.

I see people sharing this story as if it is real (I didn't realize how many gullible "friends" I have on Facebook), and a quick 4-second search gave me the truth. From the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website:

Recently, LDWF has had to respond to several fake news articles, one regarding increased fishing fines and, most recently, the supposed forced closure of hunting and fishing season because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

None of it is true. WLF.LOUISIANA.GOV

For the love of all that is holy, people, please stop being so gullible. If you read something on the internet and you don't know if it's true, DON'T REPOST IT. Research. Make a phone call. GO TO THE SOURCE to find the truth, then share that. Don't be a part of the problem.


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