Louisiana Should Close All Doors on The Following Days in 2024
In Louisiana, we like to work hard, and we like to play hard.
So, as we begin the new calendar year let's look at a few days when we should all be off in Louisiana. Yes, I am proposing that on these dates all businesses that are not essential should close their doors and allow their employees to rest up.
While I doubt that this will ever happen, it will not stop me from putting it out there into the Universe. After all, we deserve to be off of work on the following dates.
See if you agree with these proposals.
Days People in Louisiana Should Be Off of Work
Let's start with the number one day that we should all be off of work. It's the day after Mardi Gras. Whether you celebrate in Lafayette, New Orleans, or Mamou, we deserve a state holiday on the Wednesday following "Fat Tuesday."
This would not only allow many of us to recover from the celebrations, but it would also make it a bit easier to attend Ash Wednesday mass.
Next, let's address having the day off after Super Bowl Sunday. Even if your favorite team isn't playing in the "Big Game," chances are you will watch and celebrate with friends. So, why not have the day off that Monday?
Another day that we deserve to have off is the day after St. Parick's Day. In recent years we have seen more and more people take part in St. Patrick's Day celebrations and a day off after that day would be so beneficial to many.
With so many concerts and parades surrounding the day when we all wear green, it's time to consider giving us the day off after St. Patrick's Day.
Now, here's one day off that you may not expect. I think that we should all have a day off in the fall when temperatures first drop below 70 degrees. Summer months are brutal here, and when we have our first chance to cook a gumbo, we need the day to prep the meal and we deserve a day off to just enjoy the cooler temps for the first time.
Football is huge in Louisiana and while we love the Saints, Tigers, and Cajuns, high school football is a favorite in Louisiana. A colleague of mine suggested that everyone should have the day off on the first Friday of high school football.
Think about it, this would allow you to begin prepping for the game and perhaps even allow for a good tailgate party. While employers may scratch their heads at this idea, it isn't uncommon in other states for small towns to shut down halfway on Game Day.
Lastly, let me put an "Honorable Mention" on the list of days that we need off in Louisiana. That would be the day after Easter. So many of us travel to be with family for Easter and the day after would be ideal to have off. And we could eat all the candy the kids haven't consumed.
So there you go, I think people in Louisiana deserve these days off. If ever I decide to get into politics, this will be my platform and my slogan will be, "A Vote For Me, Is A Day Off For YOU."
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