David Lentz
David Lentz

Is it okay to speed? Of course not. Should you ever disrespect the law or a police officer? Of course not. However, every now and then people around Acadiana get lucky, and NOT ticketed when stopped for speeding. How did they do it?

Some folks in Acadiana have been unluckily caught speeding. But lucky enough to not get a ticket. So how'd they do it?

Is it because they were smooth talkers, looked better than the rest of us, had a better excuse than most drivers caught speeding or were they just simply lucky?

We asked social media users, who were clever enough to talk their way out of tickets, to explain how they did it.

Lafayette Drivers Caught Speeding Explain How They Avoided Getting a Ticket


Maria P. 

Maria P., Facebook
Maria P., Facebook


Well…I was speeding in a place I knew not to. Got pulled over and the cop did give me a ticket. However, the cop wrote on the ticket that I was going 34 in a 35 instead of writing out 44 in a 35. The judge tossed it out a couple of days later because it was not a valid ticket. Maybe not quite what you were asking about but I still got of paying for a ticket. It’s like it never existed. -Maria P.


Jenny B.

Jenny B., Facebook
Jenny B., Facebook


Flashed my nurse's badge, told him I was running late for my shift, which I was…. -Jenny B.


Tim M.

Tim M., Facebook
Tim M., Facebook

Told the Truth! I really needed to Poop!!! -Tim M.


Carolyn P.

Carolyn P., Facebook
Carolyn P., Facebook

Admitted I was speeding and told him to just give me my ticket. -Carolyn P.


Chris B.

Chris B., Facebook
Chris B., Facebook

I told him I was going to work offshore and I didn’t know where to go, so I was trying to keep up with the trucks in front of me, which was true. -Chris B.


Dawn G.

Dawn G., Facebook
Dawn G., Facebook

I was crying so hard I threw up on him. -Dawn G.


Kasey W.

Kasey W., Facebook
Kasey W., Facebook

Puked on the cop's shoes- he needed to go clean them and let me go… -Kasey W.


Shane L.

Shane L., Facebook
Shane L., Facebook

Being polite and respectful to the officer has gotten me out of a few. -Shane L.


Cindy R.

Cindy R., Facebook
Cindy R., Facebook

Just told him I wasn't paying attention to my speed and apologized. Amazing what just being truthful and polite will get you. -Cindy R.


Denise D.

Denise D., Facebook
Denise D., Facebook

A state trooper stopped me for running a stop sign. He asked me if I knew why he stopped me. I said, 'Yes, you didn't appreciate my rolling stop.' He grinned and asked why I didn't stop. I said, 'Cause I didn't see you!' He said, 'Hey, at least you're honest!' He checked my documents and left me with a verbal warning. Thank you, Jesus!! Bet I stop there now!!! -Denise D.


Arturo T.

Arturo T., Facebook
Arturo T., Facebook

I’ve gotten out of receiving at least a couple of tickets by being polite and courteous with the officer. -Arturo T.


Lela C.

Lela C., Facebook
Lela C., Facebook

I was on the phone with my son in the Marines and was stopped by a female cop. She said, 'Your son is in the Marines I was in the Marines and I'm going to give you a warning this time.' -Lela C.


Linda F.

Linda F., Facebook
Linda F., Facebook

Ask a lot of questions and act lost. -Linda Faulk

It is very important to note that you should never try to talk your way out of a speeding ticket. If a police officer stops your vehicle for any reason, you should do exactly what the officer requires of you.


Here Are More Ways Lafayette Drivers Have Avoided Getting a Speeding Ticket.


The police officer asked a bunch of questions like where I was going. Then told him I was a school teacher going to work … boom let me go. -Dina L.


I agreed with him and was very polite. -Debora H.


I knew someone in his department. -Deanna R.


I hyperventilate. -Miriam G.


A lil southern charm and charisma. -Stacie B.


Was completely honest. Told the cop I didn't realize the speed limit was so low there. And that there are very few signs posted. He was extremely nice. Informed me of the speed. Told me to slow down. And sent me on my way. -Donna L.


Got out of a DUI by throwing up on the side of the road. Cop was nice enough to follow me home to make sure I got there safely. -Joey D.


I got out of three within one hour in Texas. I used the attest in court statement. First one- I asked the cop if you couldn't tell if I didn’t come to a complete stop how will that attest in court? Second one- got pulled over for so say speeding, asked the cop how did you get an accurate speed whenever you were moving as well and how will that attest in court sir? Third- pulled over for no license plate light- asked the female officer and advised her that I was previously pulled over 2 times within the last 30 min and not one of the officers who both looked at my plate advised me of this. 3 warnings is all I received. -Chris B.

Thank you to all respondents who shared their experiences with us. Safe driving everyone.

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