Kindergarten Class Learns Sign Language to Sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Beloved School Janitor
A viral video shows the moment when a class of Kindergarteners welcome their beloved janitor by singing him happy birthday. What makes the moment so special is that the class learned how to sign the entire song for the deaf man who was clearly in awe of their kind gesture.
"This is the best thing I've seen today"
"Bless this teacher"
"I'm not crying, you're crying!"
Those were just a few of the reactions to a viral video that shows a magical moment between a kindergarten class and a school janitor named Jace. It was Jace's birthday and while his inability to hear made it impossible for the class to sing him "Happy Birthday", there is something that they could do to get their loving message across.
With the help of their wonderful teachers, these toddlers took the time to learn how to use sign language to sing "Happy Birthday" to Jace. The gesture of content left Jace the janitor emotional.
This is the feel-good video you needed today.
Kindergarten Class Learns Sign Language to Sing 'Happy Birthday' to Beloved School Janitor
See the incredible moment for yourself via @somegoodnews on Twitter below.
Reactions to the clip here.
While the internet always finds a way to create a disagreement, it seems as though everyone agrees that this is a special moment for everyone involved. It is also a great reminder that kindness wins always!