Celebrate our Saints by not giving a second of your time to this year's Super Bowl.

No matter how you slice it, the missed call at a key moment of the Saints/Rams game last Sunday cost them the Super Bowl. The NFL has admitted they 'messed up,' Governor Edwards has issued a formal complaint with the NFL, and Saints owner Gayle Benson has vowed to 'aggressively' pursue changes that will prevent this from ever happening again. There's also that petition to the NFL for a Saints vs. Rams do - over that's got nearly a million signatures as of this morning.

That's all fine and good, but the hard truth is that there will likely be no do - over, meaning Super Bowl LIII is a sham. One team that earned it (Patriots) playing a team that played well but still had the championship handed to them by the officials (Rams).

It seems like there's nothing Saints fans can do, but the truth is, we can make ourselves heard by boycotting the hell out of Super Bowl LIII (or as some have taken to calling it, Super Bowl LIE).

Here's what you do:


  • (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
    (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

    Throw An Anti - Super Bowl Party

    You or one of your friends or family were already planning a Super Bowl party anyway, so don't cancel those plans. Instead, have the party but decorate with black and gold and Saints party decorations, wear your Saints gear, and encourage your guests to do the same.

  • Matt Bowers, Facebook
    Matt Bowers, Facebook

    Do NOT Watch Super Bowl LIE

    I know this will be hard for fans of football in general, but if you want to send a message, hit the NFL where it hurts: ratings. Don't tune in to the Super Bowl at all this year. Pick a football movie that everyone loves, watch the Saints in Super Bowl XLIV (the full video is below) or just put on a Saints music playlist and enjoy the company of other Saints fans.

    If you "have" to watch the Super Bowl commercials, you can see them here right as they're airing on TV. Don't give the NFL or their sponsors any help this year.

    Imagine how the NFL would react if Saints fans made a HUGE dent in Super Bowl ratings by refusing to watch this year. Money is their bottom - line and don't forget, money talks.


  • Kevin C. Cox, Getty Images
    Kevin C. Cox, Getty Images

    Share Your Party On Social Media

    Be sure to take lots of video and pics from your party and share it on social media. This is the only way we can let the NFL know that we refuse to support this sham of a Super Bowl. Tag your posts with #NotMySuperBowl, #Saints, and be sure to include @NFL and @Saints.

    Let's hit 'em where it hurts! Go Saints!

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