Help Hospice of Acadiana, Win a New Car
Hospice of Acadiana is holding its annual raffle, and you could win a new car.
The only non-profit hospice operating in Acadiana, Hospice of Acadiana was created in 1983, committed to providing quality care at the end of life for all, regardless of their ability to pay for these services.
Hospice of Acadiana has, to date, served over 20,000 patients and their families, and will continue to do so, thanks to you.

As Acadiana's ONLY nonprofit hospice, we are committed to providing quality end-of-life care to anyone in need, regardless of their ability to pay. Hit the Road with Hospice of Acadiana is our largest fundraiser of the year and helps to support all of the unreimbursed care and support services we provide to our patients and their families. Thank you for supporting us in the beautiful work we are doing in our community. - Hospice of Acadiana
Your donations to Hospice of Acadiana keep its services free and, when you have an opportunity to win big prizes, donating could pay off in more ways than one.
"Hit the Road", the organization's annual raffle, gives donors the opportunity to win some big prizes, with the main prize being a 2022 Hyundai Santa Cruz.
Other prizes up for grabs include a 2022 Rockwood Geo Pro camper and 2 domestic airline flights & a $500 Visa gift card.
The last day to purchase a ticket is May 29th, with the drawing being held on June 1st. Good luck!
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