We all know that Acadiana is unlike any other place in the world. We have deep Cajun roots with a lot of country influence. For the outer areas like Iota, Delcambre, Church Point or Duson, Lafayette is the big city. It's where you go for entertainment, shopping, and events. But, when you look at Lafayette compared to big cities like New Orleans or Baton Rouge, it's still has a whole lotta country going on. That's what makes our area so special. We stick to our roots around here. Everyone knows everyone, and we all support each other. With that said, there is no doubt going to high-school in Acadiana is very different from other parts of the country. Here is a fun little list of what makes high-school life around here so special.

Acadiana Wreckin' Ram Football, Facebook
Acadiana Wreckin' Ram Football, Facebook

You know you went to high school in Acadiana when:

  • You and your siblings had the same teachers and textbooks, even though you're practically decades apart.
  • Your teachers also double as your coaches.
  • You’ve gone with your mom to a Piggly Wiggly for groceries.
  • You haven’t even decided what college you will go to yet, but you’re an LSU fan.
  • You probably dated one of your friend's exes because your options were limited.
  • Your ex is also your best friend's brother.
  • Every Friday night is dedicated to football.
  • If you're a good athlete, you play a sport every season.
  • Your parents proudly wear your athletic picture on a button for every game.
  • Every sporting event always makes the local news.
  • You’ve walked around Acadiana Mall with a group of friends.
  • Your idea of hanging out is riding around listening to music.
  • You were probably late to school because you got stuck behind a tractor or a train.
  • You've known the kid sitting next to you at graduation since pre-school.
  • You’ve held up Ambassador Caffery trying to get into the drive-thru at Chick fil A.
  • You know all the lawyers in town from seeing their billboards all of your life.
  • Every guy at your school drives a pickup truck. And it's full of mud.
  • A bonfire is always the best party.
  • Everyone knows everyone and all their business.
  • Random people cook meals for your family if you're going a tough difficult time.
  • You’re drinking beer with your dad on the patio at 14.
  • You go to Florida for summer vacation.
  • You go muddin' or frogging for weekend fun.
  • The meat you eat for dinner is probably something your dad killed.
  • You have designated senior skip days.
  • You've gone to a dance recital at The Heymann.
  • You can name every person in your graduating class, and whoever they’re dating.
  • You run into at least three people you know when you're out in public.
  • You or someone you know took Senior Pictures on a railroad track or by a barn.
  • You’re looking forward to the next festival and you know the Festival queen.
  • Your school cafeteria serves gumbo and the lunch ladies know your name.
  • You got a camera-ticket in the mail for speeding on Camellia Blvd.
  • School has been canceled due to inclement weather.

Oh, how I love this place.

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