Gordan McKernan Switches Billboards to Adorable Barbie Theme
Injury Attorney Gordon McKernan is known all across Louisiana for the many billboards that he has advertising his business. He is also known for the creativity that is involved with the billboards. His billboards are never bland, and whether you love them or hate them, they certainly catch people's attention.
The latest cycle has seen the McKernan billboards transform into celebrating the new Barbie movie that officials hit theaters on Friday. The movie took the box office by storm across the globe raking in $356 million dollars in the opening weekend.
You are going to see people sharing these new McKernan billboards all over Facebook and other social media platforms because they are hilarious. They also resonate with the people who are still going to theaters in droves to see the movie.
If you are trying to attract attention to your business then going with a Barbie theme is a good move as Axios reports, the movie was a blockbuster for its opening weekend. It is the biggest movie of the year.
Gordon's team certainly knows how to tap into the culture with their billboards. Not only is Gordan reminiscent of Ryan Goslin's character "Ken", but even the McKernan's sweet little dog, Penny, is in the back seat of the Barbie car. So let that sink in, even little kids are seeing this building and understanding that this guy is now linked with Barbie. Smart marketing if you ask me.
The final passage of the press release about this billboard campaign sums up nicely what McKernan is trying to do:
Amidst all the seriousness of life, McKernan's Barbie-inspired billboard carries a deeper message - one that reminds us all to challenge conventional norms. In a society that often focuses on success and strength in a narrow way, McKernan's tribute reminds us all of the value of embracing our creativity and individuality. Life's too short to be all work and now play, right?