Man Trolls Fake Dave Baker
Man Trolls Fake Dave Baker
Man Trolls Fake Dave Baker
It's happened to most of us: someone steals a few of our Facebook photos and opens a fake account in our name. Well, it looks like it has happened to our friend Dave Baker from KATC TV3.
Dog saves Child
Dog saves Child
Dog saves Child
The Delta Animal Shelter in Michigan has rescued more than 7,000 animals in the past 6 years. One of them, a pup named Peanut recently became a hero...
The Facts? Who Needs ‘Em?
The Facts? Who Needs ‘Em?
The Facts? Who Needs ‘Em?
There's a great line from a song by John Mellencamp. "People believe want they want to believe when it makes no sense at all." Science has proven that people with strong opinions on a given subject aren't swayed by facts that refute their beliefs...
Guy Sends Woman A Bill For Their Date
Guy Sends Woman A Bill For Their Date
Guy Sends Woman A Bill For Their Date
This gives new meaning to the term "going Dutch." An Englishman met a woman on a singles site called "Plenty of Fish," and they went on a date. When she turned him down for a second date, he sent her a bill...
Paranoid Drug Smuggler thinks He’s Being Followed, Calls Police
Paranoid Drug Smuggler thinks He’s Being Followed, Calls Police
Paranoid Drug Smuggler thinks He’s Being Followed, Calls Police
You can't make this stuff up! A young man was driving through Utah with 36 pounds of methamphetamine in his truck last weekend. He thought he was being followed, so the young man called police from a rest area around 3 am. Fox 13 reports, Garland Police officials thought the man was behaving strangely, and seemed to be "high on something...
Cocaine Cola?
Cocaine Cola?
Cocaine Cola?
Years ago, someone told me the world's most popular soft drink, Coca - Cola, once contained cocaine. I found that a little hard to get my head around, being that people now go to prison for possessing it...

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