Could there really be a 12,000-year-old ancient city off of the coast of St. Bernard Parish in South Louisiana? One amateur archeologist sure thinks so, and he calls it "Crescentis".

Underwater Ancient City Off Of Louisiana's Coast

Retired architect and amateur archaeologist George Gelé tells he's discovered something pretty incredible off the coast of St. Bernard Parish.

What he believes he's found is an ancient city he has dubbed "Crescantis" located in Chandeleur islands.

Gelé believes the now underwater ancient city could be 12,000 years old.

If so, that would mean the site pre-dates the "Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations in Mexico and in Central and South America" according to


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YouTube Via WWLTV


Why does Gelé believe he's discovered an ancient city?

Gelé claims that he has found large granite mounds near the Chandeleur Islands in the Gulf of Mexico, roughly about 50 miles east of New Orleans.

Granite is apparently not native to Louisiana or Mississippi.

Gelé tells -

"Somebody floated a billion stones down the Mississippi River and assembled them outside what would later become New Orleans.

What’s down there are hundreds of buildings that are covered with sand and silt and that are geographically related to the Great Pyramid at Giza."

He has been researching the area for 50 years.

Some presume the area off of the coast of St. Bernard Parish was possibly dry land before the end of the Ice Age 12,000 years ago in which there was a major rise in the Earth's sea level.

In his interview with, Gelé even produces underwater sonar images of what he claims are "remnants of major buildings, including a large pyramid."

Gelé says that the underwater pyramid structure is 280 feet tall and produces electromagnetic energy.


George Gelé
YouTube Via WWLTV


Louisiana's Bermuda Triangle

Louisiana fishermen have been claiming strange things are afoot in that area for many years. Many have told stories of boating instruments going haywire and other strange tales that are eerily reminiscent of the Bermuda Triangle.

One local fisherman says the area where he's experienced strange occurrences is precisely where Gelé claims the tip of the underwater pyramid is located.

According to, in the late 80s Texas A&M studied the area and concluded: "the masses are from shipwrecks or piles of ballast stones from Spanish or French vessels. The stones may have been dumped overboard to lighten the weight of ships stuck on sandbars or entering shallower waters en route to New Orleans."

Obviously, the Mississippi river has gone through quite a few changes throughout history. Some natural, some man-made.

You can take a look at the history of Louisiana's coast over the last 6,000 years HERE.


George Gelé Underwater Pyramid
YouTube Via WWLTV


Sure, the idea of an ancient underwater Louisiana city sounds like crazy talk, but think of all of the claims throughout history that sounded ridiculous at first, but later were proven to be true.


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