
Warm Temps + Flooding
Over the next four to five days, Acadiana is expected to get some serious rainfall from Hurricane Harvey. As a result, we can expect our bayous and ditches to fill, and get standing water under and around our homes. This could mean having to deal with dangerous snakes. These are the ones to look out for.
Snake Attacks Boat
Snake Attacks Boat
Snake Attacks Boat
Imagine this wonderful creature about to climb onto and into the boat in which you are riding. What happens next is the stuff that snake nightmares are made of.
The 7 Dangerous Things in Louisiana That Would Love to Kill You
The 7 Dangerous Things in Louisiana That Would Love to Kill You
The 7 Dangerous Things in Louisiana That Would Love to Kill You
Summertime in Louisiana always exciting. The sunny days get us outside to enjoy all the fantastic things we love like beaches, fishing, backyard BBQ s and countless festivals. With the kids out of school and many of us taking vacation time off from work, our chances of happening upon a poisonous snake or spider increases greatly. We've got quite a few things here in Louisiana that can't wait to kill us this summer. OK, not really, but sort of. Here are "7 Of The Most Dangerous Things In Louisiana" to be on the lookout for this summer.

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