Why Do Thunderstorms Make You Sleepy?
In Louisiana during this time of year, everything stays wet thanks to the constant appearance of afternoon thunderstorms. Every day, day after day. I'll bet most days, your body can predict an approaching thunderstorm before you can hear thunder, see lightning or read a weather alert on your phone. Ever wonder why those thunderstorms make you sleepy?
According to a The University of Melbourne blog, researchers studied the affect of thunderstorms on the human body and found three strong reasons why no matter if you're at work, at home or at play, you can't outrun the toll thunderstorms take on the body.
If we were making a list of reasons you get sleepy right before and during a thunderstorm, number one on that list would most likely be lack of oxygen. When it rains, the air is thick with water lowering the air pressure. More water vapor in the air means less oxygen. Less oxygen in the air makes your brain slow down, therefore, you feel tired.
When light is dimmed, your brain secretes melatonin. What happens during a thunderstorm? Light gets decreased and in many cases turns daytime into night at 3 in the afternoon. Your body thinks it's time for bed.
Another thing about decreased light, more light in the form of sunshine through the retinas of your eyes, will wake you up because of a sleep-related protein. Less light through your eyes will cause you to feel sleepy.
And lastly, when it's raining outside, you really can't do anything outside. You're stuck inside with your brain getting less oxygen, your eyes getting less light and since you have to stay inside, you tend to shut down.
It's worth noting, that in The University of Melbourne blog, researchers found that after sleep during a thunderstorm—you will have a tougher time waking up due to the deprivation of oxygen.
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