When Can We Expect Cookies from the Girl Scouts of Louisiana?
Let's just say, we're ready to throw in the towel on those New Years resolutions.
Resolutions at the beginning of the year are rough, aren't they? We're coming out of the holiday coma with sugar withdrawals and we're suddenly supposed to be a new person. Aside from the pressure, there are still plenty of temptations that are popping up conveniently disguised in holidays (like Valentine's Day) and fundraisers (Girl Scout Cookies).
I'm just going to embrace my grandmother's mentality of "just have a taste."
Of course, my strategy will have to be "just have a taste... and then burn the rest of the box." Sometimes I can be a little dramatic. It must be all of the power greens I've been eating. Now, where were we? Oh yes.
Girl Scout Cookies.
The season of sales is not far off around these parts. In fact, according to the troop's convenient "Find Cookies" feature we know that the Girl Scouts of Louisiana-Pines to the Gulf will get their season underway on January 11. That's not too far off, is it?
You can also check back when the season begins to find the most convenient way to purchase your favorite flavors.
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