Spiders are icky! Most, however, are harmless. There are exceptions, like the brown recluse. Some people are morbidly afraid of them. Arachnophobia is actually commonplace. Women tend to be more afraid of spiders than men. That being said, the stereotype of a woman standing on a chair, freaking out, and expecting a man to rescue her is highly inaccurate.

What to do when you find one in the house? Nearly half of men (46%) and 39% of women catch them and release them outdoors. One in four men and one in five women just leave them alone.

The vast majority of people don’t kill them. Entomologists say that’s smart. The vast majority of spiders are harmless. There are exceptions, like the brown recluse. The webs are annoying, but most of them eat pests like flies and mosquitoes. Spiders don’t particularly bother me. Love to my own devices, I’ll simply leave them alone.

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