West Nile Virus Cases Are Showing up in Southwest Louisiana
According to the Louisiana Department of Health, nine cases of West Nile Virus infection in humans have now been reported in the Acadiana area.
One of the interesting points of information, according to KLFY, is that not every parish does sample testing to find out if mosquitoes have West Nile.
The Department of Health says so far this year there have been five cases of West Nile Virus in people in Lafayette Parish. In comparison, St. Martin Parish has recorded two cases of transmission to humans and Iberia Parish has one case of West Nile transmission to a human.
One of the biggest pieces of advice any expert will give you is to avoid mosquitoes that might carry any kind of disease and to make sure you remove any standing water in any kind of container in your yard and on your property.
The above picture is a classic situation where mosquitoes can find standing water to breed in and then infest your yard. Other places where mosquitoes can find water are pots for planting, containers you may have in your yard, and even children's toys.
Just being aware of the areas where mosquitoes collect is a great tool. Make sure you dump out the water, and where products containing DEET in order to ward off the pesky little bloodsuckers.
The Majority of People Who Get Bit by an Infected Mosquito Will Have Little or No Symptoms.
According to officials at the Louisiana Department of Health, most people who are bitten by a mosquito carrying West Nile Virus have very mild or no symptoms at all.
The real problem with mosquito bites comes in if you have a compromised system, meaning if you already have underlying health issues then West Nile Virus infection can be very difficult for you to get over.
So, let's do everything we can to get rid of those pesky mosquitoes. Below you'll find more information and tips on both natural and chemical ways to get rid of mosquitoes.
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