
CNN Jokes About Trump
CNN Jokes About Trump
CNN Jokes About Trump
Video footage of CNN reporter Suzanne Malveaux and her camera crew joking about Donald Trump's plane crashing on its way to the Carrier meeting last Thursday.
Girl Dies From ALS Challenge?  [VIDEO]
Girl Dies From ALS Challenge? [VIDEO]
Girl Dies From ALS Challenge? [VIDEO]
There is a disturbing video circulating on the internet and the story is that the girl in the video died after a huge container of ice and water slipped during an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
10 Women Who Aren’t Happy That Anderson Cooper Has Come Out [VIDEO]
10 Women Who Aren’t Happy That Anderson Cooper Has Come Out [VIDEO]
10 Women Who Aren’t Happy That Anderson Cooper Has Come Out [VIDEO]
Anderson Cooper, also known as the Silver Fox, came out as gay in an email to columnist Andrew Sullivan that was published on The Daily Beast today. His announcement took Twitter by storm and ‘Anderson Cooper’ is now trending on the site. The tweets are mainly lauding him, or confidently stating that they weren’t surprised. Many quote Cooper, saying, “there is value in standing up and being counte

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