Strange Sights In Acadiana
Every big city has its "famous" sights: New York has the Statue of Liberty; San Francisco has that big bridge, Paris, France has a huge replica of a Las Vegas hotel tower and New Orleans has empty pedestals.
Here in Acadiana, in our smaller towns, we too have some famous sights: Cypress Lake at UL, the Evangeline Maid Bread sign, the Delcambre Canal bridge with shrimp boats lining the canal, even the picture of Clay Higgins without a shirt and armed to the gills gets national attention. But what about the homemade sights? What about the landmarks that aren't really "natural" that we see every day that, quite honestly, we don't even notice anymore? To outsiders, these sights might be stranger than we know!
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Gears On Highway 90 In Broussard
Not an everyday sight, but from what I've been told, these gears are what is left from an old sugar mill that once graced the grounds.
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Rocket On Mills Street in Scott/Ossun
I've got an inside scoop on this one: one of the men who built it is a close friend.
I've been knowing Beefy Williams for the better part of 20 years and, knowing Beefy like I know him, it's no surprise that there is a mocket (a mock rocket) in his front yard.
It's made out of a plastic pipeline float. Beefy had acquired two floats to make a pontoon boat, but someone stole one of them so he decided to use the other one for this project.
It was just after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks when the idea to make it came to mind. Some of Beefy's friends who had been in the Navy told him that the float was about the same size as a Navy Trident missile.
Beefy and the three Navy veterans got to work making the rocket, using the pipeline float and some parts from an old satellite dish. They painted it like a Trident missile and erected it in Beefy's front yard.
The mocket is used by many in the area as a land mark. Beefy even told me that the pizza delivery drivers confirm his address with "wait, is that the place with the rocket in the yard?".
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Big Boat On The Side Of Road, Coteau Holmes Highway At Harold Landry Road
Was it a flood that washed this boat in from Lake Dauterive? Was the boat built here and just abandoned? Did it drop from the sky after being sucked up by a tornado? I have no clue, but I am certain that someone knows.
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Helicopter In Back Yard On S Aubrey Ozenne Road
The story I heard about this one was that a man purchased the helicopter specifically to put in his yard to give his grandchildren something in which to play. That. Is. One. Awesome. Paw-Paw!
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Car In A Tree North Of Abbeville
The tree is on the property of the Steen Family, and the rumor I heard was that Charlie Steen, in his younger days, was "less subdued" than he is today. He and a friend lifted the car into the tree with a piece of heavy equipment, secured it, and that's where is resides to this day.
Have you heard any rumors about the car in the tree? It's on Highway 82, just north of Abbeville!