Sky High Show Goes Virtual “Cause Cancer is Not Canceled”
Sky High's summertime show and live auction are going virtual! Due to the current state guidelines for COVID-19, the organization has decided to make the event, which includes a performance by WayneToups, a virtual experience that will still be fun, exciting and heartwarming.
Organizers for Sky High Lafayette decided to press forward with their 2020 fundraising event because "Cancer is not canceled". Sky High is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children and families touched by cancer. The group's mission is to help end childhood cancer by funding revolutionary research projects that will not only advance treatment worldwide but also move the survival rate needle forward.
There's not a lot to keep us entertained these days, the Sky High 2020 virtual experience will be a much-needed distraction from all the noise in the world right now. Bring your family together (safely) to watch, make it part of the perfect stay at home date night or watch alone anywhere in the world simply by texting 2020LA to 243725. You may watch on your smartphone. computer or television.
A Sky High representative would be delighted to stop by your viewing location to drop off a spirit basket. Call the Sky High office to inquire, (713) 714-8587 or visit
Sky High Lafayette show and live auction will now originate live from Rock 'n' Bowl de Lafayette on Friday, August 7th. In addition to the show and live auction, someone could win a custom EZGO RXV Gas Skeet Cart & Trailer Cajun Carts and Delta Trailer Sales.