The Rare ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse Visible to Louisiana Residents on Thursday, October 14
I cannot wait to see this rare solar eclipse.
The solar eclipse, which we haven't seen over America since 2012, is expected to be viewed by millions later this month.
Pending that conditions are right on the day the eclipse happens many down south will catch a nice glimpse of this rare occurrence.
NASA says the eclipse will last for more than three hours as it moves through various phases. The 'Ring of Fire' is only expected to be visible for about 6 minutes during the eclipse.
If you're wondering, the "Ring of Fire," is when the moon is directly between the sun and Earth, and that will happen during the second phase of the eclipse.
The complete view of the "Ring of Fire' should happen at approximately 11:53 a.m. central time.
So, what date will this rare occurrence happen? The solar eclipse will be overhead on the date of October 14, 2023.
How to Safely View a Solar Eclipse
We should warn you, that if you plan on viewing this rare solar eclipse, you should use protective eye care. DO NOT stare at the sun as the moon begins to settle in front of it.
Some planetariums may host viewing parties, and if you're a fan of this type of stuff, you may want to check with them to get the best view of the eclipse.
I recall that in 2012 when this happened, I took my son out of school so that he could witness it, and it was a great learning experience for him.
This isn't something we see every year, so it is worth the time to explain to your kids what is happening in the sky above.
How to View Solar Eclipse Online
If you can't get outdoors to safely view this solar eclipse, you will be able to watch it HERE on Oct. 14th.
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