Republic Services to Delay Monday Collection Services
As someone who is usually up in the wee small hours of the morning, I can tell you they aren't always the quietest of times. Believe it or not, while you're sleeping soundly in your bed there's a whole other subculture of people getting an early start on a hard day's works.
Among my companions in these early morning hours are the men and women who work for Republic Services of Acadiana. They are the men and women who drive the big garbage collection trucks in and around our businesses and neighborhoods. They're often done with their rounds by the time most of us get out of bed, especially during these pandemic times.
However, today's workday for the Republic Services of Acadiana crew will be delayed just a bit this morning. The Republic Services Corporate Office issued what is being called a "nationwide, precautionary, safety directive" for all of its employees this morning. That directive dictates that collection services will not begin until sunrise ( 6:00 am) today.
The directive was issued in response to possible issues caused by protests over the weekend in regard to George Floyd's death. The delay should not disrupt your Monday trash and recyclable collections however, the collection vehicle might be passing through your neighborhood several hours later than it usually does today.
Tuesday's collection schedule should run normally.
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