Next Saturday, Parish Proud and United Way of Acadiana will be teaming up with other groups across the state to clear out litter.

When someone litters in Acadiana, it's going to end up in the Vermilion River which ultimately leads to the Gulf.

The Executive Director of Parish Proud, Kay Dupre, says that getting rid of little is not only good for aesthetics, but it also helps to control flooding.

She adds,

Our coast was designed to protect us from mother nature's wrath, like Hurricane Laura, as well as provide us with a sense of place. Over the years, our wetlands and marshes have eroded as a result of us not taking care of the places we call home. We need to keep the Vermilion River, as well as our entire watershed, clean and litter-free.

On Saturday, September 19, volunteers from Parish Proud and United Way of Acadiana will be cleaning up litter from Lajaunie Road which runs along the Vermilion.

President and CEO of United Way of Acadiana Carlee Alm-Labar says that they are teaming up with Parish Proud because they believe in the goals of the project.

United Way of Acadiana is encouraged by Parish Proud's efforts to improve the visual quality of our space. This is just another step in our partnership to match volunteers with opportunities that better our community as a whole. United Way of Acadiana believes we win by LIVING UNITED - by forging unlikely partnerships, finding new solutions to old problems, and mobilizing the best resources. This beautifully displays United Way's partnership with Parish Proud to improve Acadiana through beautification efforts.

You can make a difference. For anyone who wants to be a part of next Saturday's event, you can visit the Parish Proud website.

Litter is expensive. Each time crews have to go out to clean up an area, that adds to the taxpayer burden.

Lajaunie Road just has a history according to Lafayette Consolidated Government Environmental Manager Bess Foret. People have used the road as a place to dump their trash and used items.

The organizers of the event are hoping to educate the public about efforts to improve Lajaunie Road.



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