Order A Delicious Pizza Using…A Pair Of Shoes
I'm pretty sure those rascally millennials are behind this.
As if ordering food or any other dadblamed thing isn't already super - easy (I'm looking at you, Amazon Dash buttons), Pizza Hut is offering a pair of shoes that will order a large, 2 - topping pizza for you. All you have to do if you have one of these limited - edition 'Pie Tops' is enter your name, address, and default pizza order, and then press a button on the tongue of the shoe. Your default order is placed faster than you can tie your shoes, though not necessarily delivered any faster.
If, like me, you're wondering 'why?,' Pizza Hut is only making 64 pairs at this time as a tie in to the NCCAA Basketball Tournament and its 64 teams.
Pizza Hut says most of these will be handed out as promotional items, but that a limited number will be available for purchase later this month.
Just so we're clear, yes: I will buy a pair of Pie Tops if I can. You know you will, too.