Navy SEALs Hack Helps You Nap in Just 8 Minutes
Once upon a time, when we were all much younger and attending kindergarten we were asked, no, we were told we had to take a nap each day. As kids, we knew the real reason for the "nap" was so that the teachers could have just a few minutes to collect their thoughts that had been disrupted by several hours of tending to pre-schoolers.
As kids, we rejected those naps. As an adult, how I long to have those many days of rejected napping back. I'd sure as heck take every darn one of those naps that were offered back then if only I could turn back time.
Time is the key contributing factor when it comes to sleep or lack of sleep. Most of us run out of time for sleeping or to be more accurately we put binge watching Netflix or watching Tik Tok videos ahead of our need for sleep most nights. That's why we're always so tired.
So, if you're looking to break that cycle of being too drowsy to function you might turn your attention to this hack that's been published by Nick Vitello. Nick is a Tik Tok creator who is on the site under the handle @getaheadwithnick. In fact, this Navy SEALs sleep hack is just one of many tips that Nick offers on his channel.
Now back to the nap. This isn't a recipe for a full night's sleep. This is how to recharge and re-energize yourself in under ten minutes. Most of us can work that amount of time into our schedule to revitalize our functionality. Here's how you do it.
Most of you won't be surprised that the first step in this incredible hack is to lie down. In this case, Nick suggests you lie down on the floor. The reason you're going to lie down on the floor is so you can put your legs up on a sofa or chair.
Now, you're not propping your feet on the sofa or chair, you're placing your entire lower leg over the seat. That will mean you'll need to snuggle your butt up close to the sofa or chair so your knees bend at a right angle down to your hips which bend at a right angle on the floor.
What happens next could be the most glorious eight minutes of your life. Simply set the timer on your phone for eight minutes and close your eyes. It is very important that you set a timer because you will fall asleep in this position. You might actually stay asleep in this position a lot longer than eight minutes too, so if you have things to do, set the alarm.
I can also tell you from personal experience that this position does wonders for lower back pain too. I am guessing it releases a lot of the pressure that gravity puts on the lower spine and that's why it feels so great.
Now that you're all rested why not go help your spouse in the kitchen. Maybe they need some help opening a stubborn jar, thankfully you're now energized and you know these secrets too.
6 Surefire Hacks to Open Any Stubborn Jar Lid
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