Mississippi Votes to Remove Confederate Emblem from State Flag
(AP) Mississippi lawmakers met today to vote on whether or not to keep the Confederate emblem on the state's flag. After the vote, there were cheers and shouts of joy.
Both the Mississippi House and Senate voted to remove the Confederate emblem, an emblem that's been part of the state's flag design since 1894. Mississippi is the last state to have such an emblem on a state flag. An emblem that many Americans consider racist and offensive.
Mississippi has a Black population of 38%, and many of them consider this a move in the right direction for the state. Proud that Mississippi lawmakers voted for what's right, creating a unity within the state.
Lawmakers have formed a commission to oversee a new flag design that will ultimately be approved by the state's voters. The new design won't have the Confederate battle emblem be will continue to include the phrase, "In God We Trust".