Mic’d Up – The Moment NFL Star Van Jefferson Found out his Wife Was in Labor
This past Sunday's NFL Championship game will be one that folks will talk about for a while now. We will no doubt remember the very exciting finish and how the Bengals almost made a comeback for the ages.
We will remember a halftime show that clearly defined the age musical tastes gap in the country too. But nobody will remember the Super Bowl quite the way Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Van Jefferson will.
Sure Jefferson will have a rather large ring to remind him of the 23 to 20 win the Rams had over the Bengals but, if we are being honest, he got a prize more priceless than the coveted Lombardi Trophy. Van Jefferson added a new member to his family right after the game, in fact, his wife left the Super Bowl on a stretcher in labor.
As luck would have it, cameras and microphones were rolling when Jefferson was on the field celebrating the win with his teammates. In the video you can hear him talking to his daughter when a representative approaches him and tells him, his wife is on her way to the hospital.
It's pretty incredible.
I am not crying, you're crying or someone is cutting onions up in here. This is truly a special moment between a father and his kids as he tells them about some incredible news for their family.
The good news is that Jefferson and his family did arrive at the hospital in time to greet their latest addition. Jefferson and his wife Samaria were high school sweethearts and Sunday's miracle was their second child together.
You'll be pleased to know that mother and son are doing well. Daddy and daughter are hanging in there too. Yeah, go ahead and give them an awww for this wonderful snap of Samaria and the new arrival.
I guess it just goes to show you that no matter what we think or want to make important, like a football game, those events are no match for the real miracles that happen in our lives every day. Here's to families too. May we never forget that our focus should be on our family, in all ways, not just in times of crisis.
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